Attendance Policy
Students are expected to be present in each of their classes during any grading period. An absence is defined as not being present or leaving without permission. Teachers will take attendance at the beginning of first period.
Students are expected to be in school every day. Parents are expected to contact school on the day of the child’s absence to inform the school of that absence. Parents are encouraged to notify the school of pre-arranged appointments as soon as the date of such appointments is known. When such notification is made, the Parent need not contact the school on the first day of the absence. For any reason, a written note providing the dates of and reasons for the child’s absence is required from the Parent. The purpose of this note is to determine whether or not the student’s absence is excused or unexcused. This note will be maintained until the end of the school year for documentation purposes.
An Excused Absence is given when leave application is provided to the office.
An Unexcused Absence is given when leave application is not provided or permission has not been granted.
When a student is unable to attend school due to an illness, a note written by the Parent or a physician documenting the illness will provide evidence of the illness for the school.
Prearranged Appointments – For appointments with the court, social services or other agencies and appointments with doctor, official documentation must be presented to the school.
Family Death or Emergency – For absences because of a death in the family or an emergency beyond the family’s control, the Parent must notify the school.
Religious Observances – Absences as a result of observances of religious holidays should be prearranged by the Parent, who is responsible for notifying the child’s school of the religious holiday(s) to be observed. If the Parent is unable to prearrange the absence, a request for exemption must be received no later than the second day after the student’s return to school from the absence occasioned by the religious observance.
Exceptional Circumstances – The principal may approve prearranged absences for situations in which an exemption from attendance appears to be in the best interests of the student and his/her family.
If a student needs to leave school early for medical, dental or other valid reasons, parents are asked to send a note indicating the time the student needs to leave. The note should be presented to the office where the early leave will be recorded.
If a student becomes ill during the school day, the student should seek permission from the classroom teacher to report to the office. If the student is too ill to remain at school, office staff will contact parents to make arrangements.
Note: Students are responsible for all class work and homework assignments regardless of the reason for missing class. An unexcused absence may result in a no pass or failing grade for the assignment/project/test missed.
Student with 100% attendance during current academic year, will be rewarded at beginning of the next academic year.
Responsibility of the student:
Students must arrive at school on or before 8.25 am.
Late arrivals, after 8.30 am must sign in the register placed at the office/Reception. (Students with a doctor’s note, court documentation, amongst other similar cases– prior permission to be sought by the student from class teacher)
Class teachers will record the reason for late coming, as stated by the student, in the student diary. The note must be signed by the parent and presented to the teacher the following day.
Corrective Measure:
The student will be excused for the first three times
The fourth time, a note will be sent to the parent.
If the problem persists, student will be sent back home after informing the parent.