Harassment Policy

Shahbaaz English Medium School is committed to ensuring that every student has the right to be free from any type of harassment from any person. It is our responsibility to create a safe environment for all. Any verbal or physical action that makes a student feel threatened or afraid may be considered an intimidating, bullying, or abusive behaviour. This type of behaviour will be collectively referred to as harassment. All harassment and bullying behaviours will be subject to immediate disciplinary actions.

Response to Harassment: Any student who believes that he/she is or has been a victim of any harassment will be investigated and appropriate measures will be taken for both the victim and the offender. Students with any knowledge of such behaviour from/to either staff or students are encouraged to tell a staff member immediately. Confidentiality will be maintained for the reporting student or staff member.

Definitions of Harassment:

  • Bullying—Cruel verbal, social, or physical abuse from one student to another or to an adult will be considered bullying behaviour. Bullying usually consists of repeated offenses but can also be just one incident. Physical bullying includes hitting, pinching, biting or kicking the victim. It can involve taking or damaging the victim’s property. Verbal bullying includes using words, either verbal or written, to hurt or humiliate another. It can involve name-calling, insulting, making social comments or constant teasing. Relational bullying includes excluding or rejecting another from social activities or connections, and purposely leaving others out at the encouragement of another student. Reactive victims include those who intentionally encourage a bully to harass them as to provoke the bully into action, fight back, and claim self-defence.

  • Intimidation—A bullying behaviour or any action from another that causes the student to feel threatened or fearful. Physical or verbal abuse is a form of intimidation.

  • Abuse— any physical or verbal action from another that causes emotional or physical pain to another is considered abuse. Behaviours can be blatantly cruel or subtly unkind.

  • Hazing—Any participation in the persecution of others by rough practical jokes, forced or demeaning acts or tasks, physical or verbal abuse for the entertainment of others will be considered hazing.